Saturday, April 19, 2008

Buzzing About Our Ultimate Homeschool Expo...

My friend, Cindy Rushton is at it again! I am so excited!

I have been attending her Ultimate Homeschool Expo Preview Chats. Talk about great! They are just A-m-A-z-I-n-G...or shall I say ULTIMATE?

There is truly "no stone unturned" with this convention. Every topic you could fathom is being addresssed.

Wonder what it is all about? Oh! Let me share what Cindy is doing...

For a long time, Cindy has had a vision of setting up a homeschool convention online. When she began teaching her Talk-a-Latte Online Seminars, she knew that she had everything in place to go for the dream. So, last year she gave it a try to host the very first Ultimate Homeschool Expo. It was so fantastic. But, even that event pales in comparison to this year's event. It is truly the ULTIMATE event. Now, we are counting down days until the big event!

Well, we say till the big event, but Cindy is actually offering Preview Chats featuring her 2008 speakers. Those are free each week. If you have never joined an online class, don't toss this offer! Join us--I will be there! You will love it!

Each session features a free seminar by one of the speakers. You can listen to the speaker on your computer or you can also "text chat" with other moms. It is hard to capture all of the fun in words. You have just GOT to join us! Get the details here:

Ultimate Homeschool Expo Details!


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